Offensive:Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Likely Labels:cassette | compact disk | person | poster OCR: Included: 5frame per second MPEG movie file for Xing MPEG Player. 30 frame per second MPEG movie file for Hardware decoder board System Requirements: IBM PC/AT 80386 or better, 2MB RAM or upper 256 Color Supper VGA or better Sound Blaster or compatible souna card oubl Speed CD- ROM drive or faster Mircosoft Windows 3.1 or later Very Imr ortant! It's the of the vear! All models are 18 years or older. The program on this CD-ROM licensed for unadvertisd p rivate home use only. Sale of the CD ROM to mi nors strrctly prohibited by law. COMPACT DATA STOR Interactive Inc Inc.All Rigl 96700 Requir ements Doubl mportant vears strrctl STORA Righ 0806